Breezy Sunday
Here is the overdue tale of a breezy Sunday at Doe Park and the only men brave (foolhardy?) enough to sail. Whilst most of us were watching the wind whistle across the water, David was ready to brave the elements. There was no shortage of hands to help him rig...
After sailing rapidly to the end of the pond and back, shadowed by the safety boat but without a single capsize...
Dan said that, if only he had brought the rig for his daughter's Topper he would be keen to give David a race. Luckily a kind but cautious (well, OK, cowardly - it was me) fellow-member was able to lend Dan a Topper so the race was on!
Dan got off to a fine start, steaming down the pond...
However, it wasn't long before both men were in the water. Several capsizes later, both boats were stuck against the dam wall...
David reefed and managed to get away first. Several more capsizes later, with the lead having changed hands several times, David crawled ashore with a bloodied nose and only one shoe: exhausted but victorious!
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