Monday, December 18, 2006

High walls and high water

The walls of the spillway are now so high that scaffolding is needed. Apparently, every hundred years or so there is an immense flood and, if this were to happen, the reservoir would need to release a lot of water very quickly. The new spillway will channel the water safely down the hill into the beck and thence to the next reservoir. I noticed on my way to Doe Park that Hewenden Reservoir is also getting a new spillway. But, I can't help wondering, once the chain of reservoirs comes to an end, where will the flood water go?

Spillway from the side
Spillway from above
Spillway from the side

In any case, there is plenty of water in Doe Park at the moment!
High water at Doe Park December 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Life after Christmas

Tim is arranging some more sailing trips for the new year. Details are on the Denholme SC website. Denholme SC trips aren't just about sailing though! Sometimes there's paddling: Paddling on Derwent Water
and sometimes there's shopping:
Shopping in Keswick
Shopping in Keswick
These photos were all taken by Ronwen - more on Flickr including some lovely Christmas crafts from Keswick.
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