Denholme Sailing Club's AGM was held on Sunday 12th November at the Great Northern Pub in Thornton.
Members gathered for the meeting and dutifully studied the agenda.

Barbara welcomed Reservoir Blogs readers to the meeting.

The serious business of the meeting was conducted as the Commodore and Treasurer presented their reports.

A new committee was elected, or rather, shuffled. Members could be forgiven for thinking that the new committee looks surprisingly like the old one but there are significant differences. In particular, we have a new Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary.
After the meeting, food was served.

Due to a mix-up with the catering, the promised pie and peas did not materialise. Instead the Great Northern served up a fine buffet of pizza, chips, bhajis and rolls. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for members to catch up!

Thanks to Melanie for organising the meeting and to all members of the committee for their work over the last year.
Members gathered for the meeting and dutifully studied the agenda.

Barbara welcomed Reservoir Blogs readers to the meeting.

The serious business of the meeting was conducted as the Commodore and Treasurer presented their reports.

A new committee was elected, or rather, shuffled. Members could be forgiven for thinking that the new committee looks surprisingly like the old one but there are significant differences. In particular, we have a new Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary.
After the meeting, food was served.

Due to a mix-up with the catering, the promised pie and peas did not materialise. Instead the Great Northern served up a fine buffet of pizza, chips, bhajis and rolls. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for members to catch up!

Thanks to Melanie for organising the meeting and to all members of the committee for their work over the last year.