Derwent Water Day Sail

News from Denholme Sailing Club at Doe Park Reservoir: a friendly place to sail
Sewa International is currently raising money for the Kenya Drought appeal and has a secure page for online donations. Kenya is suffering from the worst drought in 20 years which means that crops have failed and in some parts of the country 80% of livestock has died. At DSC we complain about the local water shortage that deprives us of our playground but we know that when it rains next year, the reservoir will fill and everything will be back to normal. In genuinely drought stricken areas like Kenya, there is no knowing when the rains will return and, by the time there is water in Kenya's ponds again, millions of people will have died. So, go on, get out your credit card and nip over to Sewa International!
Thanks to Satish for organising the Curry Buffet and to Kalpa and Shaila for the slideshow.